
Property Equality - Actively supporting the LGBT Community!

We grant a share of net income to efforts to combat Homelessness among LGBT youth globally. Family rejection, abuse and social marginalisation make LGBT youth particularly exposed to homelessness - and even more vulnerable to appalling violence, exploitation, substance abuse and even suicide than non-LGBT homeless youth.!


The Way We Work

We believe that the growth of quality LGBT businesses will play a key part in further developing LGBT freedoms and quality of life. We are committed to growing Property Equality as an ethical LGBT business and to supporting efforts to effectively combat homelessness among LGBT youth.

Philanthropic Mandate

Property Equality has an active charitable program and is committed to donating a share of profits to supporting LGBT charities, with particular focus on social enterprise and innovative efforts to combatting the scourge of homelessness among LGBT youth globally.


For further information, including submission from charitable foundations and efforts, please contact us.

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